PVServer mismatch when starting with MPI Run:

Hello All!

When starting pvserver using mpirun as indicated in section 6.9 of the docs (6. Remote and parallel visualization — ParaView Documentation 5.9.1 documentation) and trying to connect from the paraview application I get a version mismatch error. This does not happen when starting the server using ./pvserver. AItached bellow are screenshots of the errors I get.

Thanks for any assistance!

(Both Machines are running V5.9.1 server with osmesa, and client running OSX)

Hi Noah,

If it is still actual, do you have other version of pvserver somewhere in the server machine? Could you please check PATH variable on the server (may be it has a path to the folder with other pvserver)? Could you please also provide the full command which you use to run pvserver?

Best Regards,

Hello Pavel,

I did have another version of pvserver installed, removing the previous version and reconfiguring PATH fixed the issue :).

I have encountered another issue where i am getting busy server sockets (Screenshot shown bellow of errors). I am still able to connect to the server even with these errors, but I was wondering if there was a way to remove them.


your are not running distributed, your ParaView has not been built with MPI.

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Hi Noah,

Based on Mathieu’s answer, you can download and install Paraview version with MPI (‘MPI’ word in version name) from binaries for Windows OS machine where you run pvserver (if this is your case) or rebuilt ParaView with MPI key is on.

Best Regards,

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