Question about updating plots automatically

I first use ParaView to open a bunch of layouts to plot some data. Those data will be changed if I run some other scripts in the background, when the ParaView GUI is still open.

Is there a way to automatically update the plots in Paraview when it detects changes in the file that generates the plots? I know how to do this by recording a Macro in ParaView using “ReloadFiles”, but I don’t want to click the Macro every time I make a change, as it can happen very frequently.

Or is there another way around this, that I can use a system call to update the plots in the open ParaView GUI via the command line? Then I will be able to write this system call into the scripts that updating the data. I don’t want to close ParaView and re-open it, as it will take some time.

Thank you in advance for the help!

No, you need to manually use the “ReloadFiles” features by right clicking on the source.

Then I will be able to write this system call into the scripts that updating the data. I don’t want to close ParaView and re-open it, as it will take some time.

Using a live programable source seems to be what you are looking for

Thank you for the reply. Before I try to figure out the live programable source solution, I tried another way. Attached is a simple csv file to be plotted. I recorded a macro called to do the plotting. “” is a script that will update the plot every 1 second. However, when I run, why the plot is not updated in each for loop as I intended, but wait until the whole script finishes running? (1.3 KB)
foo.csv (6.2 KB) (3.5 KB)