I successfully created an animation of time dependent data using ParticleTracer and TemporalParticlesToPathlines in order to visualize only the most recent 5 time steps of each trajectory. An example for results of this technique (but with other data and settings) can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzr5kWRytZY
Howver, in this case I am interested to see pathline segments that visualize air reaching the coast and flowing over mountains. For a better depth depiction I wanted to use raytracing with enabled shadows.
However, the pathline segments seem to have been computed correctly, but the raytraced version of it looks strange - in some cases it looks like severel tube segments were incorrectly sticked into each other.
Here a much simplified version without shadows of only pathline segments rendered with surface shading and lines rendered as tubes:
And this is the raytraced version - with much smaller line width:
Here a tar file that should include the state files and the pathline segments for one time step as pvd:
Pathline_segments.tar (656.5 KB)
I tried Paraview 5.12.1 on RedHat and on Win11.