replacing timestep z axis tick marks with dates

Hi there,

I’m trying to help a researcher replace the timesteps on their z axis with specific dates, what is the easiest way to do this in paraview?

I saw some mention from here Paraview Time Formatting that hinted at using a programmable filter, but I don’t understand how to add a “field” that has the formatted dates, and then use those values on the axis.

I was also going to test out if I could replace the tick mark values by hand, but the axis custom labels appear to only support numeric values.


I was also going to test out if I could replace the tick mark values by hand, but the axis custom labels appear to only support numeric values.

Indeed, the axes grid does not support string labels I’m afraid. This is a missing feature. You do that in 2D charts though, if that helps.

good to know, I think my researcher is fine with the time steps shown numerically, and we could tweak it manually outside of paraview if needed. Good to know either way, thanks!