Request for Guidance on Exporting and Updating CFD Data for 3D Reduced Order Models

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project focused on building non-intrusive (data-driven) reduced order models for CFD simulations using Fluent as my solver.

While I have successfully managed to extract and work with cell/nodal data from 2D simulations, I am encountering challenges with implementing this for 3D cases. Specifically, my workflow involves extracting all relevant cell and nodal data from Fluent, using this data to develop a reduced order model, and then updating the mesh solution with predictions from the model.

The main issues I am facing include:

  • Exporting CFD data in a format that contains all mesh data, including predefined surface names from the meshing stage, as well as solution data such as temperature and velocity components.
  • Updating the mesh with the predicted solution data from my reduced order model for visualization and post-processing purposes.

I have tried exporting case and data files from Fluent, but when visualizing these in ParaView, the application crashes while reading the case files. Additionally, I have exported CGNS files from Fluent, but these do not include the internal named selections that I have defined.

Furthermore, I have explored using PyVista; however, the named surfaces from my mesh do not appear. I also looked into Meshio, but it does not support my multi-region mesh used in conjugate heat transfer simulations and throws an error.

For 3D cases, I have used .cgns files from Fluent and I am able to update it, but I have no way of knowing whether the data is getting updated at the correct node/cell. Additionally, I do not have access to the internal named surfaces that I have defined at the meshing stage.

Ideally, I would like to:

  1. Load files from Fluent.
  2. Extract and organize the data needed to build my reduced order model from multiple CFD simulations, each having the same mesh but different solutions due to varying boundary conditions.
  3. Use the model to predict the solution.
  4. Update or map the new solution back onto the mesh.
  5. Use the updated file to identify the nodal values at the predefined named surface locations in the mesh and calculate average temperature values for further use in my workflow.

I came across some information while researching the documentation for the vtkFLUENTReader class and various ParaView and Fluent visualization threads on the internet. Given my limited experience with the backend aspects of meshing and data manipulation, I am seeking guidance on the ideal workflow for these tasks. Specifically, I would appreciate any advice on:

  • The best practices for exporting 3D CFD data from Fluent.
  • Methods for updating the mesh solution with new data for visualization and post-processing.
  • Any tools or software recommendations that could simplify this process.

I am not a software developer, and I would be extremely grateful for any direction or resources that could help me achieve these goals. Any expertise and insights would be invaluable to my research.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration