Dear Paraview developers,
is it possible in Paraview to create a query-based selection on a set of blocks? For example, I have a multiblock, consisting of two blocks and I want to find point with maximum value in a single block. If not, how can one add custom selection queries to source code?
View → FindData should let you do that.
I tried to use Block Selectors in Find Data to implement that, but that didn’t work. Let’s say, for example, that I have 2 blocks , first one has 100 points, second has 50 points and I want to find maximum ID in block. If I set “ID is maximum” and block 1 in block selectors, it returns point with ID 100, if I set “ID is maximum” and block 2 in block selectors, it returns nothing because maximum ID is not in block 2. I want it to return ID 100 in block 1 and return ID 50 in block 2.