Hi all,
Recently I’ve been trying to automate my workflow.
Everything works fine locally, now I would like to run paraview in a github action.
from paraview.simple import *
ss = Sphere(Radius=2, ThetaResolution=32)
shr = Shrink(Input=ss)
cs = Cone()
app = AppendDatasets()
app.Input = [shr, cs]
SaveScreenshot("out.png", OverrideColorPalette="WhiteBackground")
name: Run FESTIM scripts
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Paraview Conda env
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
activate-environment: paraview
miniforge-version: latest
use-mamba: true
channels: conda-forge
- name: Install paraview
shell: bash -l {0}
run: mamba install -c conda-forge paraview
- name: Run paraview
shell: bash -l {0}
working-directory: ./gallery/monoblock
run: pvpython --force-offscreen-rendering visualisation.py
Unfortunately this is the error message I obtain:
Run pvpython --force-offscreen-rendering visualisation.py
( 2.253s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.253s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.253s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.255s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.270s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.270s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
( 2.270s) [paraview ] vtkMath.cxx:1374 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
Loguru caught a signal: SIGSEGV
Stack trace:
30 0x55f9dc723149 pvpython(+0x3149) [0x55f9dc723149]
29 0x7ff1b5629e40 __libc_start_main + 128
28 0x7ff1b5629d90 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x29d90) [0x7ff1b5629d90]
27 0x55f9dc723840 pvpython(+0x3840) [0x55f9dc723840]
26 0x7ff1b5898cdc vtkPythonInterpreter::PyMain(int, char**) + 668
25 0x7ff1b370caa1 Py_RunMain + 769
24 0x7ff1b3713074 _PyRun_AnyFileObject + 68
23 0x7ff1b371333e _PyRun_SimpleFileObject + 446
22 0x7ff1b3713ae0 /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/bin/../lib/libpython3.12.so.1.0(+0x313ae0) [0x7ff1b3713ae0]
21 0x7ff1b36fc58b /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/bin/../lib/libpython3.12.so.1.0(+0x2fc58b) [0x7ff1b36fc58b]
20 0x7ff1b37014d7 /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/bin/../lib/libpython3.12.so.1.0(+0x3014d7) [0x7ff1b37014d7]
19 0x7ff1b36dd57e PyEval_EvalCode + 174
18 0x7ff1b3512bdd /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/bin/../lib/libpython3.12.so.1.0(+0x112bdd) [0x7ff1b3512bdd]
17 0x7ff1b3648845 _PyObject_Call + 181
16 0x7ff1b36341b8 /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/bin/../lib/libpython3.12.so.1.0(+0x2341b8) [0x7ff1b36341b8]
15 0x7ff1a4dd70ad /usr/share/miniconda33/envs/paraview/lib/python3.12/site-packages/paraview/modules/vtkRemotingViews.so(+0x1d70ad) [0x7ff1a4dd70ad]
14 0x7ff1b1ea36eb vtkSMViewProxy::StillRender() + 379
13 0x7ff1b3ccdc85 vtkPVSessionBase::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 53
12 0x7ff1b3cd02b7 vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStreamInternal(vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 263
11 0x7ff1ae0c43be vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessStream(vtkClientServerStream const&) + 30
10 0x7ff1ae0c3ed4 vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessOneMessage(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 196
9 0x7ff1ae0c3db7 vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessCommandInvoke(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 1319
8 0x7ff1b440a9c1 vtkPVRenderViewCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&, void*) + 6913
7 0x7ff1b1de5ac6 vtkPVRenderView::StillRender() + 118
6 0x7ff1b1df2ba9 vtkPVRenderView::Render(bool, bool) + 2345
5 0x7ff1af607784 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::Render() + 52
4 0x7ff1af55b792 vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::Render() + 194
3 0x7ff1ae767740 vtkRenderWindow::Render() + 624
2 0x7ff1af7d37ed vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::Initialize() + 237
1 0x7ff1abcfc029 XSync + 25
0 0x7ff1b5642520 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x42520) [0x7ff1b5642520]
( 3.800s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGSEGV
/home/runner/work/_temp/6254c3b8-ace8-4b9c-8f07-ea85e716c3ba.sh: line 1: 4265 Segmentation fault (core dumped) pvpython --force-offscreen-rendering visualisation.py
Any idea? From the error message I’m guessing maybe a rendering issue even though I tried deactivating it…
Thanks in advance!