running ParaView in parallel (2)


I am trying to run ParaView in parallel in a cluster’s visualization node with 36 cores:

[alvesrig@irene7100 fine-hex]$ whereis mpiexec
mpiexec: /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen7178/alvesrig/ParaView-5.10.1-MPI-Linux-Python3.9-x86_64/bin/mpiexec
[alvesrig@irene7100 fine-hex]$ whereis pvserver
pvserver: /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen7178/alvesrig/ParaView-5.10.1-MPI-Linux-Python3.9-x86_64/bin/pvserver

But I am getting the following error:

[alvesrig@irene7100 fine-hex]$ mpiexec pvserver -n 36
'.pvx' file is deprecated please use '--pvx' instead
(   0.175s) [pvserver        ]vtkDisplayConfiguration:163    ERR| vtkDisplayConfiguration (0xdd13c0): Failed to parse XML: 36
File was not found
Could not convert: '.pvx' file = 36

Could you help me figure out what is going on?

Thanks a lot,

Sorry, it was my mistake. Just use:

mpiexec -n 36 pvserver

Notice the position of -n 36.