Save Animation of two different views into one video output

Hi there,

I am using paraview to create animation video of two different views of my mesh. I want show all the times steps side by side in two different views at the same time in a single video output.
This snap shot below will give an idea of what I want

When I try to use Save animation. Paraview only allows me to select one window at a time. Can anyone very kindly suggest a possible way to save both views in one video ?



non-overlapping videos can be combined almost in every video-mastering software, including cheapest, and free ez-tools like virtualdub. You can also use advanced scripting, and a “frameserver” for transforming, and combining any video, into virtual video-file, without actually modifying any source. See “AviSynth”. Of course, avisynth virtual video-file can be read by most tools for further encoding to “hard-file”.

Can not say for Linux, but you have Windows there, as I see.

When saving an animation, click the Save All Views checkbox to save the two views side-by-side.


By the way, please see this blog post for more information, including preview mode for saving multi-view screenshots and animations.

Thank you so much. This seems to be a convinient solution. I have tried this with ParaView-5.5.2-Qt5-Windows-64bit that i am using but this check box doesnt appear on my save animation window. saveanimate

Can you kindly suggest which version of paraview should i download to get this option.
Best regards,

That version of ParaView is the latest and should be fine. The option only appears when there are two or more views open, so if you are looking for it when you are animating from a single view, it won’t be there. If that isn’t the case, please list the actions you performed prior to getting to the “Save Animation Options” dialog so that I can attempt to reproduce the issue locally.

Perfect! It’s working … thanks for your support :slight_smile:

Hi, is this possible with pvpython by any chance?

I am loading from a pvsm and would like to save animation of all views and not just active view.

I am unable to find the option for all views in pv python.

A post was split to a new topic: Multi animation