save vtk legacy 2.0 format

I would like to save my mesh into # vtk DataFile Version 2.0 , is this possible? when I save in legacy vtk i dont get the option to save in specific version (similar export to the one of gmsh)
thanks in advance.

Indeed, you cannot.
But 2.0 is a pretty old version of a legacy format, I would not advise to use it anymore. Can’t you use another file format?

Sadly it is a library that reads in that format. So I need that exact format :confused:

Well, VTK format 2.0 version is obsolete since january 2000, even before the first release of ParaView …

So I think you should ask community from your other lib about which other file format are available, or about they create such files nowadays.
Also, as it is a textual file format, you can maybe find some doc and write that by your own ?

I did already (well in Salome python instead of paraview) but I thought that if the function was available in paraview it would be much much more efficient than mine as I have not the same level of programing as you :sweat_smile:
Thanks in any case!

FWIW, OpenFOAM v2412 sampling still outputs in that format. An example below is obtained by sampling the velocity across a line in an OpenFOAM simulation.

# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
FIELD FieldData 1
TimeValue 1 1 float
                                                                                                                                                POINTS 20 float
5 -3 0.1 5 -2.68421 0.1 5 -2.36842 0.1                                                                                                          5 -2.05263 0.1 5 -1.73684 0.1 5 -1.42105 0.1                                                                                                    5 -1.10526 0.1 5 -0.789474 0.1 5 -0.473684 0.1                                                                                                  5 -0.157895 0.1 5 0.157895 0.1 5 0.473684 0.1                                                                                                   5 0.789474 0.1 5 1.10526 0.1 5 1.42105 0.1                                                                                                      5 1.73684 0.1 5 2.05263 0.1 5 2.36842 0.1                                                                                                       5 2.68421 0.1 5 3 0.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           POINT_DATA 20                                                                                                                                   FIELD FieldData 1                                                                                                                               U 3 20 float                                                                                                                                    7.01593 0.0299716 1.31712e-22 7.01191 0.032542 -1.05369e-23 7.0074 0.0344083 1.11786e-23                                                        7.00239 0.0356011 7.16873e-25 6.99685 0.0359133 4.09175e-24 6.99122 0.035258 3.66502e-24                                                        6.9856 0.0335462 -2.95632e-22 6.98025 0.0306781 1.31733e-22 6.97549 0.0267164 4.33298e-22                                                       6.97158 0.0218567 2.16204e-22 6.96868 0.0163384 1.50871e-23 6.96691 0.0103733 4.48036e-25                                                       6.96646 0.00421344 -1.48477e-23 6.96743 -0.00182494 -2.31256e-22 6.96972 -0.00738835 1.29976e-21                                                6.97306 -0.0122105 -3.10159e-22 6.97727 -0.0161784 -2.12576e-22 6.98187 -0.0188964 1.88847e-22                                                  6.98667 -0.0205251 -1.03502e-22 6.99146 -0.0210504 9.1733e-23 

I’m able to load this file in ParaView 5.13.2 without any issues.