[SEGMENTATION FAULT (CORE DUMPED)] Python Programmable Filter

Hi all,

i tried to work through the tutorial for Python Programmable Filter, but unfortunately I got an error from the very beginning. After applying a Programmable filter paraview crashed and indicated a segmentation fault. Any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance


Please post the script that you set in the Programmable Filter that lead to the segmentation fault.

It is the first example on https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Python_Programmable_Filter.
But I solve the problem by manually installing paraview. Strangely the installation via Software Manager(Linux Mint) leads to the error regardless of the input for the filter( also the python calculator doesen’t work).

Sounds like maybe a packaging issue with Linux Mint.

I have the same problem with Ubuntu 18.04 and Paraview v. 5.4.1.