Segmentation Fault Viewing Larger Files Remotely

I am currently viewing exodus files on ParaView 5.11.2 on a client/server setup. It works fine for smaller files, but crashes with a Segmentation Fault error for larger files immediately on attempting to view using ‘Apply’. I have also tried running with multiple processing cores.

I am quite new to ParaView, so I am unsure if this is related to the Ubuntu 22 & Paraview osmesa binary bug. Running Windows 10 & Ubuntu 22.

Thank you!

Attached are the error messages for reference:

Please share your data

I have tried to upload both the file directly and a zipped folder version, but both run into errors when uploading. Is there a better way to share the file?

I think the domain for the website has expired, is there another way to share the file? Thanks.

The file is attached here: IHX Exodus Data
Thank you.

I can open this file without issue in client/server mode:

Can you try with ParaView 5.12 ?

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for your help thus far. I’ve tried opening the file on ParaView 5.12.0 with client/server mode. ParaView seems to crash when I try to load more variables. In this case, it crashes when I try to load 5 variables.

This is the error from the terminal.

Unable to reproduce using ParaVieW 5.12.0 binary release on ArchLinux.

After updating to 5.12.1 it works now. Thank you.

The segmentation fault seems to happen when we use ‘osmesa’. ‘egl’ seems to be more stable. We do have NVIDIA card.

another issue entirely: