Segmentation fault with OSMesa binary on Ubuntu 24.04


I am trying to run pvbatch from the OSMesa ParaView build on Ubuntu 24.04 with a simple example script, and I get a segmentation fault.

There is a minimal example at GitHub - cfdemons/pvbatch-test with instructions for testing it with Docker.

I installed the Ubuntu packages

libglapi-mesa libgomp1 libgl1

to resolve missing symbol errors with pvbatch. I’m not sure if these are the right packages to install.

When I run it, I get

$ docker run paraview:test /opt/ParaView-5.13.1-osmesa-MPI-Linux-Python3.10-x86_64/bin/pvbatch /scripts/

error: exception occurred: Segmentation fault

Thanks. Not sure why I didn’t come across that FAQ! I assume I can’t use the EGL version if I am on a headless machine with no GPU? So I will have to compile it myself.

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Actually, with modern version of the libegl, you can use it with the CPU only!