I apologise if I have overlooked the solution to this question, but I haven’t found it yet.
In order to determine a quasi steady state, we in the team like to square the speed and have the development over time output. Using pythoncalculator and plotDataOverTime, this takes half a day depending on the results. Therefore, I would like to select only one single cell, as the result of the pythonCalculator is written to all cells.
My example up to the selection looks like this:
import paraview
from paraview.simple import *
spreadSheetView1 = CreateView('SpreadSheetView')
spreadSheetView1.ColumnToSort = ''
spreadSheetView1.BlockSize = 1024
spreadSheetView1.HiddenColumnLabels = ['Point ID', 'LiquidVel', 'LiquidVel_Magnitude', 'Points', 'Points_Magnitude', 'vtkValidPointMask', 'Block Number']
layout1 = CreateLayout(name='Layout #1')
fluidpvd = PVDReader(registrationName='Fluid.pvd', FileName=pvd_file)
fluidpvd.CellArrays = ['LiquidVel']
pythonCalculator1 = PythonCalculator(registrationName='PythonCalculator1', Input=fluidpvd)
pythonCalculator1.Expression = 'sum(mag(LiquidVel)*mag(LiquidVel))'
pythonCalculator1.ArrayAssociation = 'Cell Data'
pythonCalculator1.ArrayName = 'squaredVelocity'
Can someone tell me how to select for example the cell (0,0,0) and plot the squaredVelocity of this one cell over time?
Many thanks in advance!