Size of coordinates orientation axes in high res images

I’m trying to export some of the lovely visualisation I’ve made with paraview but in high resolution.

I’m having a problem with the visibility of the orientation axes - they are not initially very clear and become even less obvious as the resolution increases. See the two example images below.

Here’s the standard screen resolution one:

And here is an 8K image where the orientation axes is incredibly difficult to see:

While I could improve the visibility by switching the yellow to some other colour, the labels and thickness of the arrows is a problem as there seems to be no way to edit these.

Have I missed an option somewhere else that controls these?

Oh, and here’s the interactively resized on screen:

And high res-export:

Which really has had almost no effect on the exported image. I’ve also switched the yellow to blue but that is not even noticeable.

The camera widget is better for visibility but you get 3 extra “dots” that seem strange on an image export and it lacks customisation on tube width, length, colour etc.

hello @jpmorr,

I reproduce the issue too when saving screenshot of 2k,4k,8k.

A workaround could be to use the preview feature before saving the screenshot.

This option is in View > Preview then select your resolution (if it’s not available you can add a custom preview resolution).

Does it work for you?

Thanks @Lucas_Givord for this workaround.

Using preview and then changing the font size of the legend should work. It’s a few extra steps but solves the tiny axes problem.

normal export:

from preview:

Preview also seems to work well enough for multiple views:

However there is still an issue when interactively sizing the axes - once you enlarge it, you can’t pull it back down to the corner as the position is limited by the bounding box and it doesn’t allow any part of it to be positioned off screen. As you can seen in the single preview image, the axes is now in a somewhat strange central position as there’s notmuch that can be done about that it seems.

I think the preview workaround is a good solution for now.

it could be worth to open an issue on paraview for that, do you think you can do it?