Slow down animation

Hi there.

This is a truly silly question but, very my bad, i was unable to find a solution.

I have a simulation with three time step saved: 0.08, 0.083 and 0.086. I want to save a simple animation which shows the three results separately with a time delay among them of, let’s say, 5 seconds.

If i simply apply “Save Animation” a video is effectively saved, it lasts simply 3 seconds and it displays the three velocity fields with a time interval of 1 seconds: There is a way to increase the time delay between one frame and the other?

As far as i know i cannot set a FPS lower than 1. Here the screenshot of my saving options:

Screenshot from 2025-01-16 12-54-58

I repeat myself. Is it a very stupid question but i am totally a newbie in this type of things :sweat_smile:!

You should be able to manually set the number of frames in the animation manager.

  • Uncheck your time source
  • Set the number of frames to a bigger number, lets say 500
  • Save animation, set Frame Rate to 10


I did as you suggested (hopefully right). But now a new problem arises. I want to plot this chart: in black i have my time variant velocity values along a line; in red the experimental data (constant). Time annotation is fundamental to clarify each time step is considered.

Screenshot from 2025-01-16 13-45-28

The result however is not exactly what i desire:

  • The annotated time changes among one frame and the other (i.e i want it constant among frames, indicating properly the referred time i.e 0.08, 0.086 and 0.089 in my case)
  • The graphs changes at not the corresponding physical time; i.e the annoted time is wrongly early with respect the real one.

Thank you so much Mathieu, you are saving my master thesis :sweat_smile:!

Use AnnotateTimeFilter on the view.foam instead.

Hi Mathieu,

I’ve done what you suggested (or so i guess) but i have still the same problems.

Screenshot from 2025-01-17 10-52-08

To be more clear what I’m looking for is:

“Frame 1: timestep 0.08” → after 5 seconds → “Frame 2: timestep 0.083” → “Frame 3: timestep 0.086” …

Where “Frame x” i mean the red curve along a line at the specific timestep “0.08xx”.

Please share data and statefile.

Do you mean via wetransfer? Can you recall me your e-mail adress?

wetransfer is fine.