Slow execution of Paraview 5.5 with Visual Studio 2017 debugger


Since I updated to PV 5.5, launching ParaView from the Visual Studio 2017 debugger now takes about 2 minutes. My build is configured to x64, RelWithDebInfo. Right now, I have configured my startup project to launch “Paraview”, and as soon as I press on “Start”, all “[…]Hierarchy” projects are triggered by the check. Is this normal?

Correct me if I’m unclear.

Thank you!


There was a report of Hierarchy commands being run unnecessarily. This should be fixed with the new module system (due by the end of the year to master at least). If you use ninja, the output of ninja -d explain can show why it thinks it needs to rerun the targets (VS may also have this information, but I don’t know how to get it).

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Thanks! I shall wait until next year then.
