Slow Transient Load (~1.6m cells)

Hi, I have external flow result files originally in Ensight Gold format, containing around 1.6 million polyhedral cells. I’ve tried multiple formats like .vtu, .pvtu, and of course Ensight Gold, but the loading time for each time step is still too slow. For example, it takes about 13 seconds to load a single time step for a plane slice with one variable using the .pvtu format. I also tried enabling “force static mesh,” but it didn’t make much of a difference.

Cpu: 2x Xeon e5 2630 v4 (20 core in total)
Disk: HDD
Ram: 8 slot 192gb 2133mhz
OS: Windows (also tried on Ubuntu Wsl with pyserver)

Is this normal? I am missing something? I assume .CGNS may improve but I can’t afford to have hundereds of gigabytes of .cgns files instead of 12gb .ensight.

Is your data on a ssd ?

No, it is on HDD.

Then put it on a SSD.

So I am not doing anything wrong? After seeing things like “StaticMesh” plugin and such, I was pretty sure I am doing something wrong. Let me try on another pc with SSD tomorrow.

Btw, one variable file of the ensight format is around 15gb with 565 time steps and it takes 8-10 seconds to load one step.

It is 4s now on a sata ssd machine. I thought I was missing something (like static mesh) but now I get it is just a hardware limitation. Thank you, I am sorry to bother.

Still wonder the effects of the plugin tho. Also, do you have any format suggestions for transient cfd in paraview?

Its a bit specific, you can read all about it here:

Also, do you have any format suggestions for transient cfd in paraview?

EnSight is fine.