Spatial averaging

Dear forum

I have an axisymmetric geometry (a simple pipe for test) and I want to average in space the azimuthal component of the velocity. I will summarize what I have done so far: the pipe has a diameter of 0.1 [m]. I used “clip” and “slice” filters to obtain 4 different planes. Now I want to get the azimuthal-averaged velocity on one of the planes (as shown in the picture attached)

  1. Is it possible to do this directly from the GUI of ParaVIEW without a python script?
  2. In this case, I only used 4 slices to learn the methodology, but what if I want, let’s say 180 planes with a 2 degrees angle between them? Is there a way to set more options for the slices, despite the X, Y or Z direction?
    I mention that I use ParaVIEW v5.9.1 on Windows 11.
    Thank you in advance,

Hello again,

I exported all the slices parameters in .csv files (several files with same number of nodes as the mesh is structured) and performed the spatial averaging externally. Now I have another .csv file with same number of rows/columns etc, only some values of the velocity are different. I imported this new .csv file intro ParaView, I applied “TableToPoints” filter. In worksheet I can see that the values are correctly imported, however when I try to apply “ResampeWithDataSet” filter all the values become zero. This is how I used this filer: ResampleWithDataSet → Source Data Arrays: Checked the “TableToPoints” filter ->DestinationMesh: one of the slices. Is there a step am I missing?
