SPH Volume Interpolation filter not updating at new timesteps


I am having a issue using the SPH Volume Interpolation filter for a sph dataset overtime. This filter does not seem to update at each timestep and I have to manually refresh the filter.

I am using Paraview 5.13.0-RC1.


Welcome to ParaView, @Nadun_19 . I tried this out on some example time series data and the SPH Volume Interpolation seemed to update as expected.

Could you possibly share an example dataset and the pipeline you are using that shows this behavior?

I am using a LAMMPS dump file (attached below)


It is a Multi-block Dataset (Polygonal Mesh) with 11 time steps.

When I apply the SPHVolumeInterpolator filter and look at the information tab the number of timesteps is zero.

I have attached my paraview state file:
sph_interpolation_paraview.pvsm (718.6 KB)

If you step through the timesteps the slice with the velocity magnitude does not change, but if I manually re-do the SPHVolumeInterpolator filter the slice visually updates for that timestep.

Hi @cory.quammen just following up in regards to this!