Streamlines - Isolines is not working with 2D ascii

Hi Everyone, I am facing a problem that I couldn’t solve by myself or any support around internet.

I have tried to draw isolines over a vector field but I cannot do it. I explain my process, I am missing something, but I cannot figure it out.

I have an output -ASCII- 4 column file. x, y, vx, vy, which represents the position and the x and y components of a vector field (Magnetically Induced Current Density *.vector) obtained with DIRAC code.
01.vector (886.6 KB)

I am doing the following (1st way):

  1. I load the file using CSV reader indicating that the space delimiter is a blank space as well as no header. x, y, vx, vy, is loaded as field 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively,

  2. I transform with Table to Points the field 0 and 1 as x and y column indicating that these are only 2D points.

  3. I use calculator to compute the magnitud of the vectors sqrt(vx^2+vy^2)

  4. I generate “isolines” adding a range of values between 0 and 1.46 (according to my value range), linearly with 10 samples.

Once y click on “Apply”, the spreadsheet becomes blank and nothing appears in render view.

I Tried a different way:

  1. I use calculator to compute the vector field as ihatux + jhatuy

  2. I use the Glyph representation orienting and scaling by my magnetic field (equation in 3rd step)

  3. I Integrate the stream lines with the options by default but there are no isolines.

I don’t know if I am missing some steps.

I appreciate any help that you could provide. Thank you so much.

I also tried from the calculator filter by evenly spaced streamlines 2D
I am attacing the paraview images (with glyph but no isolines) as well as a plot done using a PynGl code that I have. My objective is to extend it to a 3D plot, but I am still facing the same problem.

I generate “isolines” adding a range of values between 0 and 1.46 (according to my value range), linearly with 10 samples.

There is no “isolines” filter, which filter are you using for that step ?

There is an icon that says: generate isolines or isosurface (beside calculator). Same icon as the filter “contour”

Contour will never work with a point cloud, but can work with structured grid:

You can use TableToStructuredGrid to do that.

Statefile is here:

structu.pvsm (585.2 KB)