Streamlines with max integration time

I would like to display streamlines with a fixed maximum integration time. Is that possible?
Thanks in advance.

This is one of the property of the stream tracer. It may be an advanced property though, make sure to press the “cogwheel” to display them.

Well, I thought it was but I cannot find it.

Seems I can only set the maximum length, the max number of steps or the terminal speed

Indeed. you are right, this is missing and should be an easy addition.

Ok thanks.
Do you think there is a workaround to obtain that before this is added?

Maybe some sort of approximation of max integration time can be computed if you know the average speed of your dataset and then rely on the Maximum number of step, but that will be unreliable at best.

You could let the streamline filter integrate past the time you want and then use the Clip filter with the Scalar clip type to remove the part of the stream past the maximum integration time that you want.

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Works like charm, thank you