Symmetric tensor in exodus II file


I am trying to output a tensor from libmesh into an Exodus file.
I think I set the right ordering (XX-YY-ZZ-XY-XZ-YZ) but Paraview (v. 5.13.1) is not collapsing it in a single variable.

These are the vars:
“sigEFFXX”, “sigEFFYY”, “sigEFFZZ”, “sigEFFXY”, “sigEFFXZ”, “sigEFFYZ”

I believe the same used to work in earlier versions.

Any idea on how I can debug this issue?

Hi @Renato_E_Poli

I’m afraid I doubt that.

Any idea on how I can debug this issue?

Please share your data.

Here you go.

This is the list of variables out of a netCDF dump.

name_nod_var = “SIGN”, “SIGS”, “NORMALX”, “NORMALY”, “NORMALZ”, “AN”, “AS”, “AT”, “DN”, “deltaDN”, “U_dbgX”, “U_dbgY”, “U_dbgZ”, “P_dbg”, “T_gradX”, “T_gradY”, “T_gradZ”, “UX”, “UY”, “UZ”, “P”, “sigEFFXX”, “sigEFFYY”, “sigEFFZZ”, “sigEFFXY”, “sigEFFXZ”, “sigEFFYZ”, “Epsilon”, “Zeta”, “vonMises”, “sigTOTXX”, “sigTOTYY”, “sigTOTZZ”, “sigTOTXY”, “sigTOTXZ”, “sigTOTYZ”, “sigTERXX”, “sigTERYY”, “sigTERZZ”, “sigTERXY”, “sigTERXZ”, “sigTERYZ”, “S1X”, “S1Y”, “S1Z”, “T”

example-RP.e (3.6 MB)

Note: in the above list, NORMAL{X,Y,Z}, U{X,Y,Z}, U_dbg{X,Y,Z}, T_grad{X,Y,Z} etc. are properly interpreted as a vector. However, S1{X,Y,Z} and the tensor variables are not. I cannot figure out why.

Indeed, I confirm that the new IOSS exodus reader does not support tensors yet.

You can use the legacy reader by loading the plugin:

  • Tools → ManagePlugins
  • Load “LegacyExodusReader”
  • File → Open → your file
  • Select “LegacyExodusReader”

Thank you. Any chance of automating that via command line or saved state?

Sure: ./bin/paraview --plugins=LegacyExodusReader

Thank you!