Hi, I have a coordinate list consisting of many point locations. I want to take data from a cfd output using these coordinates in Paraview. So, what is the best way of taking data using X Y Z coordinates in Paraview?
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- Import your CFD data into Paraview
- Drag and drop your csv file into Paraview (make sure that the first row of your csv contains the column names e.g “x” , “y”, “z”)
- Use filter “TableToPoints”
- Use filter “ResampleWithDataset” (make sure that you choose your CFD data as “Source Data Arrays” and the “TableToPoints” as your “Destination Mesh”
If the data is not well interpolated and the 2D graph shows some gaps in between → under ResampleWithDataset → Toggle Advanced Properties → Deselect “Compute Tolerance” and enter the value 0 into the “Tolerance” field → Apply -->Done
Hi, this worked great actually. Thank you so much for responding very quick