test of Catalyst installation not working


I am having problems to connect live to a simulation through Catalyst. Searching in this forum, I found

and decided to try @danlipsa 's suggestion about running ctest -N -V -R CatalystLive from the build directory, but that’s everything I get as a result:

alves@tauruslogin4:/lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build> ctest -N -V -R CatalystLive
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
 Add coverage exclude regular expressions.
 Add coverage exclude: vtk[^\.]+(Java|Python).cxx
 Add coverage exclude: .*Testing.Cxx.*cxx
 Add coverage exclude: .*Testing.Cxx.*h
 Add coverage exclude: .*moc_.*cxx
 Add coverage exclude: .*/Utilities/.*
 Add coverage exclude: .*/ThirdParty/.*
 Add coverage exclude: .*/VTK/.*
 Add coverage exclude: vtk[^\.]+ClientServer.cxx
 Add coverage exclude: vtk[^\.]+Python.cxx
 Add coverage exclude: ui_[^\.]+.h
 Add coverage exclude: moc_[^\.]+.h
 Add coverage exclude: vtkprotobuf
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /lustre/ssd/ws/alves-paraview/v5.7.0/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements

Total Tests: 0

ParaView (version 5.7.0) was built with BUILD_TESTING:BOOL=ON, so I don’t understand why I cannot see the tests outputs. CMakeCache.txt (294.7 KB) is attached. Could you help me?

Thank you very much,

The build-time variable is not called BUILD_TESTING (anymore), but PARAVIEW_BUILD_TESTING. Also there is no CatalystLive test (anymore).

See this: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/19611

They were indeed accidentally removed and need to be brought back.