Dear Experts,
Does paraview provide the way to get the return value of the server side object method call with one or more parameters?
I know about properties with “information_only” attribute, but this feature is suitable, if I understand correctly, only for methods without parameters. The attribute “number_of_elements_per_command” does not work in such case.
Hmm, explain, please
For example, an object on the server has two methods:
// Adds the given string to the array
void AddString (const char * value);
// Counts the number of added strings that match the regular expression
int GetNumberOfStrings (const char * regExpr);
I want to get the result of the second method call on client application using proxy object. How can I do that using proxy properties?
The vtkVDFReader::GetPointArrayName method is called using the vtkSIArraySelectionProperty (ArraySelectionInformationHelper) helper class. This class allows to form a list of array names on the server side without passing any additional information.
Having looked at the code for pulling/pushing messages for data exchange, I came to the conclusion that the only way to get the result of calling a method with parameters is to save the parameters on the server (something like a context), and then, using the saved data, call the method without parameters.
I think it would be useful to add for StringVectorProperty the ability to pass its elements as arguments of remote method call in case of “information_only” property.