In the xmlVTK files you could store timestamp information in the FieldData by including a DataArray with the name TimeValue, which is really important when reading a group of files and need to add the timestamp to any figures or plots.
I’ve noticed that this doesn’t seem to work with VTKHDF files - if I create a TimeValueDataSet in the the FieldData, Paraview no longer reads this as the timestamp for this file. I’ve also checked in the spreadsheet view to see if the FieldData is being read but the table is empty so it appears that either Paraview doesn’t read FieldData from VTKHDF files or my file is not correct.
I’m not sure which is the case so I’ve attached a simple example where there should be some FieldData.
@Lucas_Givord Does that mean the mechanism of a specific piece of FieldData to identify a time to paraview is not supported?
With regards the Steps in the documentation, is that not more for when you want to include multiple timesteps of data in a single VTKHDF file?
In my case, I have a single timestep per file since my data are usually quite large (often several hundred MB per timestep) and it would not make sense to have a single VTKHDF file that could be 10s or 100s of GB in size. So I would like to use the ability of Paraview to load a group of files with the time idinetified from the field data (Field Data as Time Meta-Data in VTK XML File Formats - VTK documentation). Is the only way to create a step for a single timestep?
Also, I’m still not clear if FieldData is supported in VTKHDF, regardless of whether it is for a timestamp or not. In the file I uploaded, I cannot see any field data when loaded in Paraview - it does not appear in the list of variables or the spreadsheet view. Could there be a problem with the VTKHDF file or the Paraview file reader?
Does that mean the mechanism of a specific piece of FieldData to identify a time to paraview is not supported?
TimeStep and TimeValue are special datasets and we treat it differently
Also, I’m still not clear if FieldData is supported in VTKHDF
Do you use paraview master? If it’s the case then yes it should be supported
So I would like to use the ability of Paraview to load a group of files
Yes, make sense. AFAIK we should be able to load a temporal data like that by relying on the File Series mechanism, @Louis_Gombert do you know if it’s still the case? Where we should put the time value in that case?
I’m on paraview 5.13 at the moment as I assumed that since it was just released about a month ago it would be supported in that version. I can check the master version later - do I need to compile it or is there pre-compiled version available?
I’ve just tried out the latest nightly build of paraview (5.13.1-572) but FieldData is still not loaded from my VTKHDF file. It seems like it may be that Paraview doesn’t yet support it?