Transfering Paraview to Unity

I am apart of a team working on paraview and was wondering if it was possible to transfer files or implement a paraview VR simulation towards unity so it can simulations like in paraview?

Thanks for answering if it is possible.

Unity does not have a ParaView asset in its asset store.
But VTK which is the fundamental library the ParaView is based on, can be imported using the following non-free asset VTKUnity-Activiz | Tutorial Projects | Unity Asset Store.

ParaView comes with the XRInterface plugin that lets you use an OpenXR implementation, such as that offered by Steam, to view visualizations in head mounted displays supported by Steam. See here for more information.

As for Unity, there is not a ParaView to Unity bridge built into ParaView, but you may want to look at NVIDIA’s Omniverse connector for ParaView and Unity and use that as a possible path to VR using Unity.