I am trying to load some transient data for my simulation. First of all, I am using a MultiBlockDataset and inside that MultiBlockDataSet, I have 3 UnstructuredGrids.
For that UnstructuredGrid, I have transient data. If I remove the transient data, I can correctly load the file and I see the meshes, but once I add the transient data, ParaView shows nothing (no geometry, no points)
Hi @Juan_Jose_Casafranca , the support of composite types in VTKHDF Reader and Writer is still very new. For now, only the non-transient and non-parallel composite data can be read or written. We’ll post the current status of VTKHDF implementation on discourse soon.
Are you totally sure about this? Apparently I was missing the CellsOffset dataset, but other than that, I have managed to load a VTKHDF file with compositve MutltiBlockDataSets and UnstructuredGrids as leafs with transient data.
I mean, not supported officially. We currently don’t have tests for composite + transient in VTK to validate the behavior and make sure it won’t change, but it’s totally possible that you can get it working somehow.
Your welcome. I have spent a long time searching for a format like VTKHDF, that could support transient + hierarchical data so I could store my simulations in a single file. I actually wrote something similar to what VTKHDF supports now and a ParaView plugin for reading it