Troubleshooting Paraview Visualizer Execution Issue on Server via SSH

Greetings everyone,

I have successfully executed the Paraview visualizer on my local system using the following command:

export PVPYTHON=/Applications/ # Example using macOS install path
export PV_VENV=$PWD/.venv

$PVPYTHON -m paraview.apps.trame --data ~

However, I am encountering an issue when attempting to run it on the server via SSH with the same configuration. The error indicates a problem with Paraview execution on the server.

I would appreciate guidance on how to successfully run it on the server. Thank you.

What is the issue/error? libX?

Yes, I get the libx error. Do you have a solution for it?

Use Offscreen ParaView either with OSMesa or EGL.

Thanks, I’ll test it.