Unable to read VTU file using OpenDataFile with pvpython

Hello everyone,

I am trying to read a VTU file (which represents the deformation from a numerical simulation) and perform a porosity study by analyzing the amount of void in the 3D object. To do this, I am performing slices at various locations within my object. However, when I attempt to automate the process with pvpython, I am unable to read the CTU file using the OpenDataFile function. It throws an error of the type :

Does anyone have an idea why this error is occurring ? I can’t put my vtu file sorry.

Hi @Leflak

Without the data it is not realy possible to help you, so you may want to reach out to Kitware to set up a NDA.


Thank you for your response,

Actually, there is no confidentiality issue, it’s just that the VTU file is too large. I can send you a smaller file.


mecafe_58.vtu (528 KB)

Ha, this is the classic XML + expat issue

here are the possible solutions:

  • Use the binary release from https://www.paraview.org/download/
  • Downgrade libexpat to a version < 2.6.0
  • Compile ParaView master yourself
  • Wait for ParaView 5.13.0 to be available in your distribution

BTW you seem to be using a very old version of ParaView, please update.

OK, I will try. Thank you very much !