unable tor read tecplot trianglar surface data with tecplot reader

Hello, I am trying to analyze unstructured data (TRIANGULAR SURFACE DATA) which is in tecplot file format but it does not show the model properly. and if i try to load multiple file of same format paraview collapse. I am giving the format here–

VARIABLES= “X”,“Y”,“Z”,“U”,“V”,“W”
ZONE T=“unstruc” N=7920 E=15836 F=FEPOINT ET=TRIANGLE
1.6242283 -13.7119762 11.9005557 0.0136606 -0.0153980 0.0131369
1.6239011 -13.7132850 11.9034126 0.0136920 -0.0154043 0.0131375

can anyone help me how to properly show those data on paraview?