Update common tool bar

I would like to discuss and propose updating the common filter tool bar for the next version of ParaView. Currently, the common toolbar holds:

  • Calculator
  • Contour
  • Clip
  • Slice
  • Threshold
  • Extract Substet
  • Glyph
  • Stream Tracer
  • Warp By Vector
  • Group Datasets
  • Extract Block

I would like to propose 1) alphabetizing the list and 2) deleting seldom used filters and 3) adding frequently used filters. Here is my current guess:

  • Calculator
  • Cell Data to Point Data
  • Clip
  • Contour
  • Glyph
  • Iso Volume
  • Slice
  • Stream Tracer
  • Threshold
  • Warp By Vector

@cory.quammen @mwestphal @spyridon97 @Kenneth_Moreland

Some minor comments:

  1. I think we should keep Group Datasets and Extract Block. I use these frequently.
  2. If Cell Data to Point Data is added to common, it will need an icon. I don’t think there is one.
  3. I don’t think alphabetizing is a good idea for the same basic reason I don’t want the keys on my keyboard alphabetized. I don’t think that will make them much easier to find, and it will mess up users that have become familiar with the order. Also, it makes sense to have filters like Clip and Slice next to each other. Also, also, there has been a lot of talk about renaming filters. I don’t want the order changing when renaming happens.
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I agree that the common category should be updated, but I want to mention that since ParaView 5.13.0, all categories can be modified by users very easily: https://www.kitware.com/paraview-5-13-0-release-notes/#interface-improvements

I fully agree with @Kenneth_Moreland points.

I would like to add some filters to that list:

  • Resample to image
  • Integrate variables
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I agree with @mwestphal, especially the part about agreeing with me, but also the addition of Resample to Image filter. A nice tool to hack around tricky issues in ParaView.

I’d be tempted to add Point Volume Interpolator to this list. It’s really handy for filling spaces. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in parallel :frowning_face:.

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