Update to: Unable to render a StructuredGrid source using ProgrammableSource filter

UPDATE: Thanks to Jean M. Favre suggestion in his 2019 post …
Problem displaying Structured Grid when loading from Programmable Source
Problem displaying Structured Grid when loading from Programmable Source

ProgrammableSource using StructuredGrid Output Type is working now but …

I guess, the question that comes to my mind now is

  1. Why in the PolyData Output type case,references to the vtk pipeline mechanics are not necessary ( i.e. commands like executive.GetOutputInformation(0), …,) ?

  2. Also, there seems to have synchronization or communication issue (client-server). The default Outline rendering does show only after pushing the Apply button a second time … Some form of update mechanism seems to be triggered, and only then does the Outline appear …

I would welcome any comment or explanation regarding these issues.



Because in the case of unstructured data, extents are not required, as points position are completetely explicit.

Also, there seems to have synchronization or communication issue (client-server).

Please share actual steps to reproduce

Hi Mathieu,

 Thanks for your reply! 
  1. Point taken for number Q1.

VTK User Guide ch15 would be a useful reading for this ? Any others? I’ve noticed 4-5 short
blog posts by B. Geveci which appear interesting … and a rather more involved document on
Proxy, something I’m not familiar with but seems at the heart of the communication between
Paraview client side (python) and server side VTK C++ libraries ? Not sure sometimes if the
documents, wiki are outdated or not.

  1. Concerning synchronization issue (for lack of a better word) here are the steps I went trough:


  1. Add Programmable Source
  2. Set Output Dataset type to “vtkStructuredgrid” in the Properties
  3. Paste script “StructuredGrid_source_spheres.py” in the Script window (script down below)
  4. Click Apply

—> No rendering

  1. Edit Script,i.e.
    (simply type a return a the end of the script to make the Apply button active (green) again

  2. Click Apply a second time.

→ Rendering Outline (default Representation which appears after the first Apply)

  1. Finally, selecting Points Representation, color by scalar “Radius”, pointsize 5
    and Apply (3rd time)

I get this

Script StructuredGrid_source_spheres.py:

import numpy as np
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkPoints, vtkDoubleArray
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkStructuredGrid

# Parameters
n_theta = 18    # Number of divisions in the theta direction
n_phi = 36      # Number of divisions in the phi direction
radii = [1.0, 2.0]  # Radii for two spherical layers

# Calculate grid dimensions
n_r = len(radii)
dims = [n_theta, n_phi, n_r]

executive = self.GetExecutive()
outInfo = executive.GetOutputInformation(0)
outInfo.Set(executive.WHOLE_EXTENT(), 0, dims[0]-1 , 0, dims[1]-1 , 0, dims[2]-1)

executive = self.GetExecutive()
outInfo = executive.GetOutputInformation(0)
exts = [executive.UPDATE_EXTENT().Get(outInfo, i) for i in range(6)]
dims=[exts[1]+1, exts[3]+1, exts[5]+1]

#vtk points                                                                                                                                                                                                    
points = vtk.vtkPoints()
points.Allocate(dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2])
scalars = vtkDoubleArray()
scalars.SetName("Radius")  # Name of the scalar field

# Define spherical coordinates and convert them to Cartesian
for ir in range(n_r):
    for theta_idx in range(n_theta):
        theta = theta_idx * np.pi / (n_theta - 1)
        for phi_idx in range(n_phi):
            phi = phi_idx * 2 * np.pi / (n_phi - 1)

            x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
            z = r * np.cos(theta)

            fi = ir*n_theta*n_phi+theta_idx*n_phi+phi_idx # Flat index                                                                                                                                               
#            points.InsertNextPoint(x, y, z)
           # Add the scalar value (e.g., radius here)

#Adding grid points                                                                                                                                                                                           #for iz, z in enumerate(zs):
#    for iy, y in enumerate(ys):
#        for ix, x in enumerate(xs):
#            fi = iz*len(xs)*len(ys)+iy*len(xs)+ix # Flat index                                                                                                                                               
#            points.InsertPoint(fi,[x,y,z])

            #Adding points to vtkStructuredGrid                                                                                                                                                                

output.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars)  # Add scalar data to the grid

Feels weird having to edit the script window to allow the second Apply or the possibility to chose the representation …
Is there something I should be doing in the GUI or is this normal behaviour ?


Your request data definitely should not be modifying the extent, this should be done in the RequestUpdateExtent. Make sure to enable “Advanced” properties to see it.


Oh boy. I just found out there was a second script window (RequestInformation) that

was completely hidden below the Information View !

Now that I split the code in two parts:


import numpy as np
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkPoints, vtkDoubleArray
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkStructuredGrid

# Parameters
n_theta = 18    # Number of divisions in the theta direction
n_phi = 36      # Number of divisions in the phi direction
radii = [1.0, 2.0]  # Radii for two spherical layers

# Calculate grid dimensions
n_r = len(radii)

executive = self.GetExecutive()
outInfo = executive.GetOutputInformation(0)
exts = [executive.UPDATE_EXTENT().Get(outInfo, i) for i in range(6)]
dims=[exts[1]+1, exts[3]+1, exts[5]+1]

#vtk points                                                                                                                                                                                                    
points = vtk.vtkPoints()
points.Allocate(dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2])
scalars = vtkDoubleArray()
scalars.SetName("Radius")  # Name of the scalar field

# Define spherical coordinates and convert them to Cartesian
for ir in range(n_r):
    for theta_idx in range(n_theta):
        theta = theta_idx * np.pi / (n_theta - 1)
        for phi_idx in range(n_phi):
            phi = phi_idx * 2 * np.pi / (n_phi - 1)

            x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
            z = r * np.cos(theta)

            fi = ir*n_theta*n_phi+theta_idx*n_phi+phi_idx # Flat index                                                                                                                                               
#            points.InsertNextPoint(x, y, z)
           # Add the scalar value (e.g., radius here)

#Adding grid points                                                                                                                                                                                           #for iz, z in enumerate(zs):
#    for iy, y in enumerate(ys):
#        for ix, x in enumerate(xs):
#            fi = iz*len(xs)*len(ys)+iy*len(xs)+ix # Flat index                                                                                                                                               
#            points.InsertPoint(fi,[x,y,z])

            #Adding points to vtkStructuredGrid                                                                                                                                                                

output.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars)  # Add scalar data to the grid


# Parameters
n_theta = 18    # Number of divisions in the theta direction
n_phi = 36      # Number of divisions in the phi direction
radii = [1.0, 2.0]  # Radii for two spherical layers

# Calculate grid dimensions
n_r = len(radii)

dims = [n_theta, n_phi, n_r]
executive = self.GetExecutive()
outInfo = executive.GetOutputInformation(0)
outInfo.Set(executive.WHOLE_EXTENT(), 0, dims[0]-1 , 0, dims[1]-1 , 0, dims[2]-1)

I get the Outline representation immediately !

This will take some time to get used to.

Is there a way to programmatically set the Representation (to Points instead of Outline) , Coloring by scalar (“Radius”) and set the Point Size to say, 5 ?

To reuse the Source I suppose the next step would be to create a python plugin following Section 5.5 in



Yes, using pvpython scripting, not possible from inside your script.

Thanks Mathieu.

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