I am beginner user of Paraview, and am running into what is probably a basic issue when using filters and pvpython. Appreciate any help or pointers.
I have an exodus file that I read into pvpython that has multiple time steps and a range of fields including temp. While I am able to see that it imported correctly, I am unable to move these completely into a vtk dataobject to perform numpy style operations. It looks like only the points get transfered to the vtk object (last command), and not the fields (second to last command).
[kavalurav@zfocus22 paraview]$ pvpython
Python 3.10.13 (main, May 23 2024, 07:05:53) [GCC 10.2.1 20210130 (Red Hat 10.2.1-11)] on linux
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>>> import paraview.simple as pvs
>>> reader=pvs.OpenDataFile("examplefile.e")
>>> timesteps = pvs.GetTimeKeeper().TimestepValues
>>> print(timesteps)
[0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.30000000000000004, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7999999999999999, 0.8999999999999999, 0.9999999999999999]
>>> reader.UpdatePipeline(timesteps[-1])
>>> pd=reader.PointData
>>> print(pd["temp"].GetRange())
(394.0, 450.0)
>>> from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
>>> filter=pvs.ProgrammableFilter(Input=reader)
>>> filter.UpdatePipeline(timesteps[-1])
>>> data_object = filter.GetClientSideObject().GetOutput()
>>> inputData = dsa.WrapDataObject(data_object)
>>> inputData.PointData.keys()
>>> print(inputData.Points)
[VTKArray([[9.28514957e-18, 1.51878343e-01, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.19154026e-02, 1.51409813e-01, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.19154030e-02, 1.51409821e-01, 4.76973560e-03],
[2.14313190e-19, 3.50596347e-03, 0.00000000e+00],
[2.44929360e-19, 4.00681102e-03, 0.00000000e+00],
[2.75545530e-19, 4.50765854e-03, 0.00000000e+00]]), VTKArray([[ 9.28514957e-18, 1.51891356e-01, 1.90786925e-01],
[ 9.30070258e-18, 1.52145727e-01, 1.90786868e-01],
[ 1.19360112e-02, 1.51676306e-01, 1.90786895e-01],
[ 1.53404558e-01, -9.37846765e-18, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 1.53658927e-01, -9.39402067e-18, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 1.53913296e-01, -9.40957368e-18, 0.00000000e+00]])]