Using Material Interface Filter for spcth files

I am trying to use the Material Interface Filter to determine fragment characteristics from an spcth file as described in a tutorial (linked below), but the option is always unavailable.

I have tried using the can.ex2 sample file from the Help tab as show in the tutorial, but even then the “Material Interface Filter” is greyed out. Is there an extra step that I am missing?

Misc info:
Paraview 5.4.1
Flat mesh (non-AMR), split over 16 blocks

Please let me know if anymore info is necessary.


Hi Brandon,
The Material Interface Filter only works on AMR data. Here is a feature request to expand this, however, due to lack of demand by my customers, it hasn’t been funded.


Hi Alan,

Thank you for letting me know, it is too bad that the filter can’t be applied directly.

As a workaround, I re-ran the simulation using AMR, forcing the entire mesh to be active but not stating any refinement indicators. That seemed to work since I can now use the Material Interface Filter, but I have still encountered some other problems.

The statistics and geometry outputs do not seem to match one another, with the geometry output showing artifacts all across the domain. Overlaying the statistics output on the extracted CTH part shows a much better correlation, but the statistics indicate multiple fragments in areas where the extracted CTH part indicates just one. How are individual fragments being identified in Paraview?

Thank you,


To me that filter is a black box. I don’t know how it works. If you think there is a bug, please log it on the ParaView bug tracker, git. Be sure to include details how to replicate it, and a dataset. I will take a look, and if I think it is important for my users, will make sure it gets fixed.