Using Python to load multiple CSVs

I am trying to plot fault planes and epicenters. I was thinking that this would be a nice exercise to learn paraview. My basic process is to create CSV files of the fault coordinates. I then wrote paraview script to take all of these and create Delaunay2D surfaces of the faults. Here is the script:

from pathlib import Path
from paraview.simple import *

root = Path(__file__).parent

table = CSVReader(FileName=str(root / 'data/events.csv'), guiName='Events')
pts = TableToPoints(table, XColumn='easting', YColumn='northing', ZColumn='depth')

dp = GetDisplayProperties(pts)
dp.Representation = 'Point Gaussian'

for fpath in (root / 'exported').glob('source-*.csv'):
    table = CSVReader(FileName=str(fpath), guiName=fpath.stem)
    pts = TableToPoints(table, XColumn='easting', YColumn='northing', ZColumn='depth')

    surf = Delaunay2D(pts)
    surf.ProjectionPlaneMode = 'Best-Fitting Plane'


renderView = GetActiveView()
ag = renderView.AxesGrid
ag.Visibility = 1

ag.XTitle = 'Easting (km)'
ag.YTitle = 'Northing (km)'
ag.ZTitle = 'Depth (km)'


And the resulting output:

I have a few questions/comments:

  1. Is there a better way to create the faults? At the surface, the triangulation fills in areas when the faults curve. I was thinking I might be able to put all of the faults into one file.
  2. The current approach creates a pretty complicated Pipeline. Is there a good way to create a tree view or group sources and filters? I see this is done when I do things manually, but not programmatically.
  3. I can adjust the size epicenters (spheres) by “Use Scale Array” and selecting “magnitude”, but I couldn’t figure out how to do this via the Python interface. How do people usually figure how the relationship between the buttons and the Python?

You should use the trace to convert UI interaction into code.

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