I have created a wing design within StarCCM+ and was not able to view a velocity magnitude scene showing the vectors without using a plane section showing a 2D view of the velocity contours, after looking online Paraview was suggested to show 3D vectors. However, I still cannot get my wing to show velocity vectors it appears a solid blue the same way it did within StarCCM+. I have attached a screenshot and any help would be massively appreciated!
scalar per element: Pressure Simulation*****.Pressure
scalar per element: VelocityMagnitude Simulation*****.VelocityMagnitude
scalar per element: Velocityi Simulation*****.Velocityi
scalar per element: Velocityj Simulation*****.Velocityj
scalar per element: Velocityk Simulation*****.Velocityk
vector per element: Velocity Simulation*****.Velocity
huh… that is really strange, I have just ran another simulation and get the result in the snapshot, I have exported the variables again if you wouldn’t mind taking a look.