View is blocked

I use a comparativeView to display the results at 6 different time steps. The first and the last show normally, but as can be seen in the figure enclosed, some portion of the 4 middle views is blocked with a write box.
How can I get the views shown completely?

Hi @Michael_Li

Please share a statefile and your data files


Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for asking for the files. My data is from OpenFOAM and it is too big to upload. This issue may not be easily reproduced, but it occurred before. Usually, I get rid of the block by hiding/showing many times and other manipulations to try to refresh the display. Reopening the file often solves the problem, but for large data, I’m reluctant to close it.

I just got rid of the block by increasing the row from 1 to 2 and changing it back to 1.
I suspect it may be due to the “show plane” option in the clip filter. The view is showing some clip. But the thing is I have turned off the option.

Is there a way to redraw of refresh a specific view forcedly?

Sorry, I failed to upload the data. My case contains too many folders and files.
Reopening the state file resolved the problem as well.
I may resort to your help if the same problem occurs in the future. Anyway, thank you so much for taking time to help…