I have a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in .tiff format. While I am able to load the file into ParaView , it only appears as a flat surface in 3D view, without any relief features. How can I apply vertical exaggeration in the 3D view to better visualize and appreciate the DEM’s relief features?
Hi Mathieu,
Thanks for your support and this looks great. actualy i am bit new to this software. Could you please brief me the steps to achieve this . this is exactly what i want it.
@mwestphal thanks for detailed reply. i could now able to plot dem in 3D as shown below. but the issue is that if i change the scale factor for increasing Z exagerration, the original data values along Z axis also get altered.
is there any way to the scale Z axis for viewing only without changing data values and tick mark values along that Z axis ?. kind of exagerrating Z values for veiwing purpose.
I changed Disply -Transform-scale factor to 4 to exaggerate the view,still the Z value got changed. Pixel value of my DEM (Z/Height) ranges from 1916 to 201 only whereas after scaling value got changed till 8000. Attched screenshot after changing disply values as given below. also aatching stat file.