Visualize 2D data as a 3D radially symmetrical solid


I’m using Paraview to visualize a solution of a heat equation performed by FEniCS.
The body and the heat distribution in it are radially symmetrical, so I programmed my equation in the cylindrical coordinates and solve it in a 2D domain (neglecting the angle coordinate).

Is there a way to visualize the solution as a 3D “solid of revolution” in Paraview? I.e. to map my data (r,z) -> (r,z,phi) -> (x,y,z).

My wish seems to be quite standard, however I couldn’t find any filter for it.

Rotational Extrusion is likely what you’re looking for. Note that I think the axis of rotation is restricted to “about the Z-axis” so you may need to use the transform filter to rotate your data. @cory.quammen - do you know if a user can specify the axis of rotation?

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Dear Greg, thank you for a fast and precise answer! For a moment I was confused why Paraview can’t apply “Rotation Extrusion” to my data but then I managed to do it after “Extract Surface” as your screenshot says. It works!

Well the rotational extrusion is not offered in my case (with or without transformation). Any clue ? @GregVernon

Have you already tried to apply the “Extract Surface” filter first?

@dstrelnikov Yes and it worked. But what is the exact meaning of that filter “extract Region Surface” … Making the data purely 2D ?

Honestly, I have no idea :slight_smile:

The Extract Surface filter converts the Unstructured grid to a PolyData object, which is what Rotational Extrusion operates on.


Thank you Nathan. Why the Rotational Extrusion can not directly operate on the Unstructured grid