I have successfully installed the environment with docker in a virtual machine
I have a web client that uses Visualizer, each user tells to Visualizer which -data {dataDir} have to use but I’m struggling with that, its like visualizer married with the first --data {dataDir} that receives
This is my case, I have 2 users the first one do the request to visualizer with the dataDir = /opt/wslink-launcher/shared/specialist , it open well I can render all the files
But when I log in the other user dataDir = /opt/wslink-launcher/shared/specializ the visualizer in the part of files it show me /Home and nothing else
if I try the same but in a different order with the same users, I have the same result the second one shows me the /Home folder
This is my template.json
And to do the dynamic replace of {dataDir} i modified the launcher.py , in the createSession function i added the key “dataDir” to the replaceList
And this is the call that my client does
So my question is, I’m missing out some configuration to have a proper dynamic -data ??
or is working as intended?
I dunno what else I could do
Thank you in advance!