Visualizing Abaqus Output Database in ParaView

Dear ParaView Community,

I have been using ParaView for a while, and I really appreciate Kitware built such great tool as open-source. I use Abaqus in my workflow so I often wonder how can I visualize *.odb files inside ParaView. I did some research but all the publicly available solutions don’t satisfy my needs. So I ended up building my own converter using Abaqus public APIs. And with my company’s permission, I decided to release it as open-source which can be found in this repo.
The converter is a console tool implemented in Python and C++. C++ implementation is significantly faster than the Python implementation. The instruction is given in The primary goal behind it is to build a universal convert which can convert *.odb files with any element type and various material points. The source code may still need some polishing but I feel good about it to be published.
Any feedback is welcome!


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Thanks for sharing. I notice that it uses abaqus SDK, is that correct ?

Yes. Abaqus must be installed to use them.

@Cam I think the reason Mathieu asked was that commercial SDKs frequently have terms that prevent you from making the programming interface (API calls) public. I don’t know about Abaqus, but many solid modeling kernels have terms that prevent us from sharing any source code we have written that uses their API unless we can verify the people we share the code with also have a license.

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I will ask Abaqus legal team. But I have seen others share similar works.