Seems VolumeViewer.html is made to read a *.vti and not vtkjs
Ported the Chrome (Browser) to use the GPU as well, the image above shows the dedicated GPU usage while rendering
The Visualization experience is slightly different than using the resampled image (NVIDIA_indeX), am I missing something can we improve the visualization to match the web with desktop version.
vtkjs format is a state for a scene definition. Basically HttpSceneLoader read that format.
I would agree with @Forrest_Li. The transfer function+color map does not look the same. On top of that, the sampling/step distance on your web rendering seems very high (top left slider). If you reduce it, it should look nicer.
The color transfer function → “erdc_rainbow_bright” in both cases.
Use Case : combxyz_artefacts1.pvsm (840.1 KB)
Caveat: I had to convert the ResampletoImage in the pipeline to vti to make it to use in the VolumeViewer.html