I’m trying to read my first .vtk file, but Paraview says that he can’t find a reader for the file. Guess there is something wrong with my file. Can someone help me with this?
variavel.vtk (352.2 KB)
I’m trying to read my first .vtk file, but Paraview says that he can’t find a reader for the file. Guess there is something wrong with my file. Can someone help me with this?
variavel.vtk (352.2 KB)
This file is incorrectly formated, how was it written ?
With this FORTRAN 03 subroutine:
subroutine visualplanoXY(var,plano)
use modvar
implicit none
integer ii, jj, kk, plano
real (kind = 8) x, z, var(nx,ny,nzt)
! writes data to be open by paraview
open (3, file = 'variavel.vtk',status = 'unknown')
write(3,*)'# vtk DataFile Version 2.0'
do jj = 1, ny
do ii = 1, nx
x = dble(ii-1) * dx
write(3,71) x, y(jj)
end do
end do
write(3,*)'SCALARS var float 1'
write(3,*)'LOOKUP_TABLE default'
do jj = 1, ny
do ii = 1, nx
x = dble(ii-1) * dx
end do
end do
close (unit = 3)
71 format(2(1x, ES13.6E2))
72 format(1x, ES13.6E2)
Looks like you are trying to write 2D data ?
There is not 2D data in VTK, only 3D.
Was I supossed to add a third column full of zeros for z-axis? I tried this and still don’t work. Thank you for the fast replies.
variavel.vtk (464.2 KB)
You need to remove the leading space on each line, like this:
variavel(2).vtk (448.2 KB)
It worked now. Thank you very much!!