vtkAppendPolyData ?

I am absolutely new to Paraview and only using its Qt-viewer. The solids are being generated by another application (GEANT4).
So I generated one cone and another hollow cone surrounding the first cone. When I form a union I should see a merged single cone.
However, when I try to open that wrl file, I get the following error.
The error is:
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x61652d0): Input port 0 of algorithm vtkAppendPolyData(0x5064a70) has 0 connections but is not optional.

I have no idea what to do. I Googled for solutions and looks like there are ways to figure this out using C++ scripts. But is there a way to resolve this on the Paraview viewer that I am using?

Another fact: when I do make a truncated cone, where it is truncated at the apex, then everything works. So looks like union at the apex is failing for whatever reasons.

Any help here is appreciated

So the .wrl file is generated by GEANT4?

Can you share it here ?
Do you have other .wrl file that works ?

Here is one that do if that’s helps you.bot2.wrl (50.7 KB)

Hello Mathieu
Here is a file that works:
g4_lens_using_pairofsolids_to_boolean.wrl (65.7 KB)
For example, part of this is a lens made using 2 pairs of hollow cones. Although the title says ‘boolean’, no booleans were created in this example purposely.
But I can create boolean of two solids pair wise it works and is similar to this solid i.e., boolean(solidA+solidB =E) and boolean(solidC+solidD=F) shows visually as G=[E;F] i.e., two separate booleans side-by-side.

Here is a file that does NOT work:
g4_unionofbooleans.wrl (129 Bytes)
And this solid is like previous but is made using two pairs (A+B and C+D) to generate two booleans (A+B=E and C+D=F) and then union of these two booleans(E+F=G) to create a final boolean lens (G) very similar to the previous.
However, this one shows the error I mentioned and I do not see it on the Paraview veiwer.

Thanks for your help.

Hello Mathieu
Can you also explain what is bot2.wrl supposed to be and how it can help me?
Thank you

Hi Matheu
Yes I am able to visualize bot2.wrl but not sure what does that imply?

Just an example for a working file.

your non-working file is almost empty and does not contain a geometry :

#VRML V2.0 utf8
# Generated by VRML 2.0 driver of GEANT4

#---------- CAMERA
Viewpoint {
  position 0 0 3936.73

#End of file.

Yes correct! Whenever I try to create solids which are boolean of two boolean solids I get nothing - an empty file.
No idea why? I will explore to see if its a problem with GAMOS or GEANT which generates the solid.

BTW, in Paraview UI, is there a way to generate union of two solids. I could create two merged solids but I am not able to create an intersection solid or from them.

A bug/missing feature in GEANT most likely.

BTW, in Paraview UI, is there a way to generate union of two solids. I could create two merged solids but I am not able to create an intersection solid or from them.

There is a filter in VTK called vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter, but it is not exposed in ParaView. You could write a simple XML plugin to expose it.