vtkFoamEntryValue::ReadList(vtkFoamIOobject&): Assertion `"Label type not set!" && this->GetLabelType() != NO_LABEL_TYPE' failed.

I am able to read the DEM part of CFDEM code in paraview. But the moment, when I open a CFD part of an executed CFDEM problem, the paraview stops working and passes the following command in the terminal.
vtkFoamEntryValue::ReadList(vtkFoamIOobject&): Assertion `“Label type not set!” && this->GetLabelType() != NO_LABEL_TYPE’ failed.

any idea why does it behave like this ?

please share your data

This is the link, I have ran the simulations and have shared the zip file after the simulation. U can find the foam files inside CFD folder. When you switch on the velocity profile or pressure profile inside the paraview, the paraview crashes with the following report on terminal:

paraview: /build/paraview-lH8wFv/paraview-5.4.1+dfsg3/VTK/IO/Geometry/vtkOpenFOAMReader.cxx:3798: void vtkFoamEntryValue::ReadList(vtkFoamIOobject&): Assertion `“Label type not set!” && this->GetLabelType() != NO_LABEL_TYPE’ failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

you need to actually share the file

You have to set “Anyone with the link” in the access settings for this file on Google Drive.

I have now given access to @mwestphal. please check now.

No problem with ParaView 5.11.1