vtkPythonView plugin using a pure python definition


I use python to prototype some filters (using the new from paraview.util.vtkAlgorithm.VTKPythonAlgorithmBase). Super cool by the way. This enable me to use my python library for some data processing. Now I have an old xml plugin for a view like this:

  <ProxyGroup name="views">
    <PythonViewProxy name="PythonView" class="vtkPythonView"
  <StringVectorProperty command="SetScript"
			    default_values="ENBEDED PYTHON CODE"

I use this plugin to generate a custom viz for my data.

The problem here is the plugin needs a “compilation step” to put the python code in the xml (I have to scape the code so the xml does not interpret it).

It is possible to convert this xml plugin to a pure python plugin with decorators, in the same way of the VTKPythonAlgorithmBase ?. I was unable to find any documentation for it on “paraview Package — ParaView/Python 5.9.0 documentation”.
