WarpByVector: cannot get data from input object in a python script

I’m trying to automate some postprocessing.
I would like to generate view of fields on a deformed geometry
I’ve tried something like that:

warpByVector1 = WarpByVector(Input=input)
warpByVector1.Vectors = [“POINTS”, “elasticity.displacement”]
warpByVector1.ScaleFactor = factor

The trouble is that, no PointData nor CellData are attached to warpObject1:

warpByVector1.PointData.keys() returns an empty list whereas input.PointData.keys() is not empty.

I must miss something.
Any hints will be great


Please share your data

testAxi.pvsm (206.5 KB)

The original dataset is an Ensight Gold case.
I can sent you the original dataset if needed.

Would you need the python script that automates the post-processing?

I’ll need this too.

Would you need the python script that automates the post-processing?

I need just the needed information to reproduce the issue

You shall be able to download an tgz with this link CNRS CRIC

PS: I use pv 5.11 on debian Bookworm

In your script, you have

warpByVector1.Vectors = ['POINTS', 'elasticity.displacement']

However, your data has no field named elasticity.displacement. I think you mean this:

warpByVector1.Vectors = ['POINTS', 'cfpdes.elastic.displacement']

With a proper vector field to warp by, the operation succeeds and I see the keys to the PointData object that I would expect.

My bad. Thanks. Sorry for the trouble.