webpack --mode development

I am a beginner in paraviewweb and I am trying to setup the very basic configuration. However, when I follow the steps in the installation guide under " Creating your own project", I have this error,

The out put of node -v : v10.16.0
The out put of npm -v : 6.9.0
And both nodejs and npm are installed by nvm.

I would appreciate it if some one help me out of this.

It seems that you did not create any source file inside your project.
The project assume an entry point in ./src/index.js.

If you don’t know what that file can look like, you can use any live example such as that one which is shown online here with the code.

Thank you Sebastien. I made a folder and a file inside it. The errors went away but still nothing appears in the web page when I run npm start. Here is the output in cmd:

The console gives error:

Sorry if the answer to the question is so simple, beginners bad luck :wink:

This is not you, the documentation is lacking key points for beginners. The vtk.js do a better job at it.

I think the only part missing for the ParaViewWeb one would be now the ./dist/index.html file. You should be able to take/use the exact same file as the one described in the vtk.js guide as webpack is in fact bundling your application with a name you are providing.